Monday, June 21, 2010

If I could have coffee with anyone on the planet...

Stefan Sagmeister and I would be taking Starbuckses everywhere by storm.

His last exhibit kills me.

Somewhere in the cross of simplicity (one of the most drawing characteristics in people to me lately) and passion, I'm completely absorbed. The idea of combining simplicity and passion seems paradoxical. It's hard to wrap your head around the idea of one not skewing the other. It's sort of like passion and reason in that respect. Imagine how many less headaches there would be if no one had conflicting thoughts of those two. And noww I'm rocking another boat entirely.

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on

Something about this website makes me feel like people aren't getting more stupid.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I deleted my Facebook the other day,

and was touched by how much they wanted me to stay. I pulled up the demolition page thinking it'd take one profound click. But the big moment turned into a sort of annoying amount of moments...window after window asked me if I realized what I was doing. Images of people who visit my page regularly popped up with the caption, "these people will miss you." For a second I couldn't remember if I was dying or deleting my vague facebook identity. We joke about cult followings, but it's a good thing I'm not into reincarnation. The possibility of Jim Jones reincarnating to run the number one social networking system worldwide is unsettling.

BOTTOM LINE: I think the marketing manager of Facebook may be the only one actually earning his obscene pay check.


Three days later I realize I have more free time than I know what to do with. I'm working on projects now, including renovations to my room. Propelling on from the lime and cyan I was so proud of in the seventh grade. I'm pretty stoked and never thought I'd be so fascinated with design. It's not that crazy when you put it in perspective. What better way to put yourself into your element than make your home reflect your element? Live constantly in recognition of your own self expression. Given this renovation deal goes according to plan, I'll be able to go into my room and likewise "go into" my element. At least it sounds pretty cool.

I'm already into to the idea of this wallpaper next to mocha walls.